About Us
The school belives in integrating best international methods with world-class infrastructure and technologies: it emphasizes activity based learning, multiple intellegence, individual stud, focus approach, combained with indian values to enlighten the students future

Vision & Values
→ To educate and train students for community, leadership and civic responsibility.
► To encourage the students to take active part in the educational system, social
administration and economic development of the country.
► To provide other allied educational activity and organize promotional events related
to education. → To engage the students in critically intellectual enquiries of various disciplines. → To train the students for national, trans-national and international practice and for
globalization. » To introduce value added courses and programmes.
► To support and take necessary action to impart education to weaker and needy
section of the society for free of cost or at nominal fee. > To expose the local citizen above the state standards in fields such as ethics, culture,
manner, behavior with an aim to develop holistic growth of an individual.
There is a great saying “Real education fetches you more than a job. It teaches you to live; it cannot be measured in any tangible way”. Wisdom Park strive for excellence in the commitments and provide a learning environment that allows every student to thrive as an individual. Life is a mixture of many subjects experienced at the same time. Hence Wisdom Park facilitates skill development which caters to situation rather than subjects. Wisdom Park stress on spiritual values and help students towards holistic growth. Wisdom Park inculcates tolerance → patience → endurance → perseverance → knowledge and to attain wisdom. Wisdom Park navigates to be a resource center for the future entrepreneurs and a better anthropreneurs.
Our Teachers
Teacher Name | Qualification | Designation |
Reshma.N | B.Sc | PRTs |
T.R.Mohammadi Salma | B.A | NTTs |
Modi Mohammed Shafeeq | M.Sc.,B.Ed | PGTs |
G.Sumati | M.A.,B.Ed.,B.Lit.,D.T.Ed | TGTs |
Shazia Naaz.A | B.Sc | NTTs |
Priskilal Charley Priya.G | M.A.,B.Ed | TGTs |
Amrin Fathima.V | M.A.,B.Ed | TGTs |
Meenakshi.R | B.Sc.B.Ed | TGTs |
Vasia Arsheen | B. Sc., | TGTs |
P.I.Ayesha Siddiqua | B. E | TGTs |
Sudha Saravanan | M.A.,B.Ed.,B.Lit.,D.T.Ed | TGTs |
Bharathi | D.T.Ed.,M.A.,M.Phil., B.Ed | PGTs |
Fariha Kouser | BA(Eng) | PRTs |
Nafia Anjum.H | BA (Eng) | PRTs |
Raj Kokila | M. A., B. Ed., | PRTs |
Suganthi | M. Sc., B.Ed., | TGTs |
Muthamizhan | M. A., M. P.Ed., M. Phil | PTI |
Faiza Tahseen.R | BE, M. Tech (Cos) | Lab Asst |
Tansira Sadaf.K | BCA | PRTs |
Nuzhath Jabeen.P | BA (Lit) | PRTs |
J. Sangeetha | M. Sc., B. Ed., | TGTs |
Vimala Devi. R | B. Sc., M. A., M. Ed., | TGTs |
Rashmi.R | MCA,M.Phil,(P.hd) | TGTs |
Revathi | BSc (Chem), MBA, B.Ed | PGTs |
Sabura Parvin.A | MSc.Psychology | WellNess Teacher |
A Street Play:
This activity helps students investigate a variety of
renewable energy resources, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each. It also offers an opportunity for the creative expression of students. Children wear Energy Championship Badge and Spread message of Saving energy!Students differentiate between the sources of energy and name the different sources of energy.
Poster Making on Water conservation:
Students work with team and come up
with ideas for poster. Students prepare the poster to
save water.It was displayed all around the
Campus.The poster had pictures depicting the
importance of saving water and people struggling
with scarcity of water. It also had pictures of farmers
with sullen faces without water for irrigation.
Slogan Writing Competition on Water Conservation:
We Conducted the slogan Writing Competition to
enhance the talent of our young Minds. Children
came up with creative and beautiful slogans which
where displayed all over the campus.
Importance of Natural Resources:
Students are engaged themselves to create
awareness of natural resources how to use it
carefully and preserve it for future generation. A
wonderful mother earth with natural resources
colourfully decorated by girls.
Awareness of Pollution:
Students are engaged in creating awareness of
land pollution and the students drawing and
colouring beautifully to save our mother earth
from pollution.
An activity of cultural doodles students have
engaged in making small simple pictures of
Students collected the picture of various
monuments from newspapers, magazine and
posters and pasted in chart and share few lines
to the other children.
Create a Presentation:
The students took up the initiative and present paper on Healthy Food. The Presentation includes animation, audio and visual elements. The Students demonstrate the concepts beautifully to the other children and explain importance of it. Teachers helped them by allowing to access to the equipment they need and provide support as needed. Through this activity students extend their knowledge and develop linguistic skills
Design Webpage:
In today’s world, web pages are the main medium for sharing ideas and information. Learning to design websites is an incredibly useful skill for any career path. As the use of electronic media has increased, the competition for the online sale of products and services has also risen. To create unique eye-catching websites students should have a good knowledge of HTML tags and attributes. Using Tags and attribute students have created simple websites using Text Editor.
PC Assembly:
A PC is a modular type of computer made by different manufacturer The teacher are introduce theparts of elements require to assemble. This allows to have custom built computer that matches your specific needs. The following components are required when building a computer, the casing, the motherboard, the processor, the RAM models, the storage drives and expansion cards. The Explanation of each parts given to children and ask them to identify it .The children enjoy the learning.
Parent Orientation Program
Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 10 AM – 1 PM
Wisdom Carnival ’17
saturday, april 8, 2017 at 5 PM
Glimpses of India Exhibition
Jan 26, 2017 – Jan 27, 2017